Our “Data-Centric AI” Infrastructure delivers Intelligence as a Service
[ Ensemble ]
Automated Data-Centric AI
Discover a user friendly, low-code interface that unlocks the hidden value of your data and information without the usual engineering complexities.
[ FeatureBase ]
Real-Time Data for AI-Powered Knowledge Retrieval
FeatureBase is a database built for Al that powers large scale, ultra-low latency hybrid workloads including high-throughput analytical queries, blazingly fast single point lookups, and faceted retrieval augmentation (RAG) searches.
10 out of 10 machines agree: Our format is easier to read.
The secret to FeatureBase’s performance is its novel feature-oriented data format that makes everything you do with your data more efficient. As the data gets bigger, so do the benefits:
100X better price-performance compared to brute force solutions
Sub-second latency on your most complex queries
Up to 90X reduction in hardware footprint
Use Cases
Your whole team can leverage real-time data to power better business outcomes.
Deliver better customer experiences
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Instantly detect anomalies and fraud
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Improve forecasting and optimize processes
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Preaggregation is costing billions in missed opportunity.
There’s a better way.
Our Customers
Molecula is hands-down a game-changer for our company and clients. The technology behind the blistering performance speeds is unparalleled and couldn’t be backed by a better team. Our clients were experiencing query result times exceeding 30 seconds and now with Molecula FeatureBase the same queries take less than 100ms.
Corey Zwart, Head of Engineering at Pumpjack Dataworks
Woodmac Power and Renewables are embarking on bringing an industry-first, high granular level of insight into a traditionally opaque market. Molecula FeatureBase allows us to analyze significant volumes of both streaming and batch data, which was not possible prior. In addition, with the hyper-increased exposure and access to our vast data reserves, we can unlock future products and services that were thought not possible.
Matthew Boyda, Vice President, P&R/Power Solutions, Wood Mackenzie
Using Molecula to analyze activity across our 100M+ monthly login events in real time gives us an entirely new view of our data. Without Molecula in our data pipeline, working with this volume of data would be effectively impossible.
Adam Blue, CTO, Q2eBanking
Molecula provides the millisecond, real-time data access and query speeds we need to help us optimize internet traffic and bottlenecks for online gamers around the globe.
Don Brown, Head of Data at Subspace
Molecula has been an excellent addition to our technology analytics. FeatureBase gives us the ability to analyze significant volumes of both streaming and batch data with extreme efficiency and a minimal hardware footprint. This has opened possibilities beyond foundational reporting to real time actionable data to inform operational teams of service disruptions, security issues and performance anomalies. All of this to lean forward towards an Adaptive Operational Posture based on real time infrastructure telemetry.
North Texas Hospital, IT Technology Infrastructure